Friday's (3/6) USA Today had the following piece on college newspapers.
I think the one thing that might save college newspapers is that the students are much more savvy about new technology and more willing to use it to their publication's benefit than the older and more established publications in "the real world."
The student publications also have another benefit in that many of them get free office space and utilities from the school. This allows them a little more wiggle room to experiment with ways to connect with their readers than are MSM outlets.
College newspapers face weak ad revenue
By Drew FitzGerald, USA TODAY
Students working on college newspapers across the USA are learning an all-too-real-world lesson: Their papers face the same advertising revenue declines and expense cutbacks as their professional counterparts.
Since the start of the current school year, daily newspapers at schools including Syracuse University, New York University, the University of California-Berkeley, Ball State and Boston University have cut one edition a week — usually Friday's — because of weak advertising.
Rest of Story

I think the one thing that might save college newspapers is that the students are much more savvy about new technology and more willing to use it to their publication's benefit than the older and more established publications in "the real world."
The student publications also have another benefit in that many of them get free office space and utilities from the school. This allows them a little more wiggle room to experiment with ways to connect with their readers than are MSM outlets.
College newspapers face weak ad revenue
By Drew FitzGerald, USA TODAY
Students working on college newspapers across the USA are learning an all-too-real-world lesson: Their papers face the same advertising revenue declines and expense cutbacks as their professional counterparts.
Since the start of the current school year, daily newspapers at schools including Syracuse University, New York University, the University of California-Berkeley, Ball State and Boston University have cut one edition a week — usually Friday's — because of weak advertising.
Rest of Story

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