December 19, 2008

Deep Throat Dies

W. Mark Felt, the man known as Deep Throat in the Watergate scandal, has died at 95, a family friend said late Thursday.

Washington Post

Washington Post Watergate Summary


For our students, (and yes, I know everyone is on break right now) this is an opportunity to discuss the kind of work Wood-Stein put into developing the Watergate story. The leg work and phone work that went into getting just that one extra piece of information that made the story is what good journalism is all about.

I don't know how many times I told my students that they should have more information in their notebooks than they will need for the story.

But I don't think any of them believed me.

I could tell because many times it was obvious they were trying to pad their stories with fluff to reach 700 words. (And let's not even start talking about the 1,500-2,000 word stories some of them tried to push on me.)

I don't know about anyone else, but I always enjoy getting the information much more than writing the story. The thrill of the chase is always more fun.

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